A project developed by CMS called the Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) provides an automated mechanism for managing the claims request and submission process through secure...

A project developed by CMS called the Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) provides an automated mechanism for managing the claims request and submission process through secure...
Review Contractors issue an estimated 2 million requests each year to healthcare providers for medical documentation and records, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Most...
Self-Pay Management While more and more people have steadily been gaining coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the once downward trend of uninsured Americans may be back on the rise—once...
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of telehealth and telemedicine across the U.S. healthcare landscape. Providers and patients should both benefit from this new trend, as remote services...
With the national rollout of Medicare’s Recovery Audit Contractor (RA) program in 2010, hospitals across the country were in critical need of a solution to manage their audit processes and protect...
This ship has sailed and if in revenue cycle you are scared of your shadow now, wait until you see the ghost of the future in 2021 with COVID-19. The financial losses from the COVID-19 pandemic are...
Challenges Facing the Health System: Hospitals and health systems are continually challenged with finding the best approach to manage their self-pay patient populations. Strategies can include...
Due to the complexities of regulations and billing requirements, providers are faced with rapidly increasing volumes of audits and claim denials from all types of insurance carriers. Although...